Sunday, June 15, 2008

Off to Toronto!

Hi Everyone,
So we have decided to head into Toronto tomorrow (Monday). We need to be at Sick Kids by 6am on Tuesday so we figured this would be a little less stressful and perhaps we can try to enjoy our night together before we hop on the coaster ride. We will be at the super 8 motel the first 3 nights...although I don't know if Paul and I will actually stay the night of surgery or the night after. We will have to see how we feel about leaving the hospital. It really is quite close though. My mom and Jodi Lin will be with us and definetly staying in the hotel. After those first three nights we will have to see what happens. We hope to get into Ronald McDonald house and have Jodi Lin with us...but we will have to see how long the wait is there.
Thank you everyone for your thoughts and prayers! I also wanted to thank everyone who donated Money to help us out or bought us a gift card. Thank you for all the support everyone is giving us. I feel quite confident that we will not have the added financial stress that a hospital stay can involve and we can concentrate on being there for our little boy. Thank you so much everyone!
P.S. I will try to update online as soon as possible, as for phone calls we will have to see how I feel and how much time I have.

1 comment:

Sue said...

My thoughts and prayers are with you.